Tag: copyright law


What Type of Logo Design Are You Getting for Five Bucks on Fiverr?

February 27, 2015


Well, it goes without saying that sites like Elance, 99Designs, and Envato Studio have established themselves as the go to for contracted projects of any type and size. Now, a whole new, super-cheap, high-volume, not entirely ethical or legitimate site has arrived. Fiverr has broken the mold in economical contracted services of any type. Ranging from graphics & design and online marketing to audio/music and programming. But what are you actually getting for your starting price of $5 (plus $.50 processing fee)? Likely, an international funds transfer fee.

Let’s take a look at what one company, The Logo Factory, had to deal with. Read their full story.

No doubt Fiverr is heavily inundated with accounts from outside the US and for good reason. As far as I can tell they are not state side at all. No address, phone support, nothing. Any site that says ‘International Limited’ with no way to contact them is a huge red flag. At least in my book.

According to The Logo Factory post, violation of US Copyright Law is really no big deal to these sellers. I mean…why should it be? It only applies to the US anyways. Who has the money or time to chase down somebody across the other side of the world in India or Sri Lanka. Somebody that is probably using an internet cafe at that. Not to mention there’s no International Copyright Law, unless you are a mega billion dollar company like Wal-Mart, McDonald’s, Pepsi or Coke that may be able to do something legally…and that’s a big MAYBE.Logo Design Fiverr image

Voicing my personal frustrations as well as concerns for wanting to protect my own design business is really the motive behind this post. I just want to bring attention to this sort of thing and the frustrating and potentially harmful experience The Logo Factory had to endure. So, with that being said…be careful about hiring someone you don’t know via a site that may not host entirely reputable people…many are, but it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch. Thinking you’re getting a cheap service may also come at the expense of others who have genuinely poured their time and effort into what some are exploiting (and possibly breaking federal law) to gain a quick buck.

In conclusion, it seems Fiverr has a lot of good to offer, but there are also wolves in sheep’s clothing looking to make a profit no matter what it takes, and perhaps at your expense. Beware of the otherwise known scam/con-artists, hustler’s, hackers, swindlers, cheats, etc. that may be offering services you know “too good to be true”. Do your background research and remember to be a savvy shopper. If you think it’s a great deal, you may want to think again!

Thank you Graphic Artist’s Guild for this sharing this post.